Saturday, June 5, 2010

Diving into God

Great talk tonight with the girls of new life. As we're sitting here sipping our coffee before bed (well just me because caffeine doesn't really have an affect on me) we're talking about God. Not Jesus, not salvation- God.

It sounds weird but I forget about just God. I think about Jesus, how he teaches me to live, how he died to save me from my sins, and how he frees me from guilt. But do I ever really dwell on the character of God? Not what he's done, but WHO he is. How awesome He is as himself. We're asking questions like, "Would I still devote my life to this if heaven weren't the end?", "Would I love God this much if he hadn't sent Jesus?"

In the Chronicles of Narnia, one of the characters says, "I'm going to believe in Aslan even if there isn't an Aslan to believe in." I want that faith. I want to be so in love with God, just who he is, that I'll believe in Him no matter what- because he's SO FREAKING AWESOME.

And I say that almost jokingly, but I don't know how to express in words how seriously awesome God is. He is everywhere all the time, always has been, always will be, creates everything I see, be it people, nature, or sky scrapers. And just God's amazing love for me enough to create me in his image and own me as a daughter.

I just want to dive into God- into his character, into his being. I want to fall in love with who God is first and not what he's done. (even though that's also freaking awesome)

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want." Psalm 23:1
"Though you have not seen him, you love him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy..." 1 Peter 1:8